Another highlight of our trip to New York was a visit to Niagara Falls. It was spectacular!

We all met for lunch at The Red Coach Inn by the Falls and enjoyed one of Joe Izzo's better rants.

We’ve been talking a lot about the weather conditions in Buffalo, New York. We’re leaving on Wednesday and wondering what to pack. The temperature has been fluctuating from a low 38 to a fluke high of 70. All I can say from memory is expect any type of weather in Buffalo. I was there during Easter week many years ago when it snowed heavy one night and laid a blanket of white all over the grounds of the city zoo clearly visible from my grandfather’s front window. I wondered about the animals and where they were being kept. The black iron picket fence surrounding the zoo with all the snow on the ground turned my eyeballs to ice. It was April in Buffalo and freezing outside.
Buffalo News - Updated: April 8, 2011, 9:19 AM
The fifth annual Buffalo Niagara Film Festival kicks off today with the first of its 30 documentaries, 28 short films, 20 features and nine music videos.....
.... The main event, though, is the opportunity for emerging filmmakers to have their films — which run the gamut from dark comedies and musicals, to thrillers and human interest stories — projected onto a theater screen with a live audience.
The frosting on the cake for some will be having friends and family there to share the moment.
“I’m excited and I’m nervous,” said Joe Izzo, who cowrote and produced “Uncle Louie,” a feature about a gangster summoned back from the dead through a voodoo witch doctor to deal with a loan shark. “This is our first film festival, and it happens to be the birthplace of my mother and father. My family will all be there. I think it is extraordinary synchronicity.”