Today was the first day of shooting. The scene we were doing involved the antagonist, Lester, and the dog, Fidel. We shot it in Joe Izzo’s garage and it went as might have been predicted given that it was the first time the crew had ever worked together. Interesting.
Just five minutes into it the wife of one of the writers- she was doubling as a wrangler for the dog- had to be kicked off the set. And the wardrobe lady too. Their sighing laughs had been picked up by the sound man. They were laughing at the scene with Lester and the dog, though no one else seemed to be having a hard time containing themselves.
On the third or fourth take of the scene, the dog got bored with the cheese

Then there was the challenge of working at a location that is just a block away from the county hospital. Plus, Moorpark Ave. is an artery to two major freeways- 280 downtown one way, and 280 to San Francisco the other. The sound guy had his work cut out for him, but then so did everybody else. First days are tough everywhere. We are optimistic.
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