Everybody learned the meaning of the phrase, "hot set" today, but after it was too late. The Director of Photography had placed this handwritten sign on the dining room table, just after morning filming had been completed, and just as we were all breaking for another of Annette's delicious lunches.

When we saw the note we thought it was a form of encouragement, such as, "you folks are HOT today." But it turned out that this was not the case at all; rather, it was meant as an admonition to not touch or change anything in the shooting area since the set had to appear exactly as it had in the morning for the filming that was to commence in the afternoon. Not understanding, a couple of us plopped ourselves down at the table on the set, turned off the lights ( it was a warm day), and generally shoved stuff around to make room for our food before hunkering down on the most delicious chicken and rice we ever had. We were ready for seconds before we understood what we had done....
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